[SEPLA-Lista-Oficial3410] LAP (novo dossiê): A questão agrária como questão ecológica na América Latina

Olá, bom dia.
Divulgo aos interessados o novo Special Issue da Latin American Perspectives chamado “A questão agrária como questão ecológica na América Latina”, organizado por Daniela García Grandon, Andrew Smolski e eu. É resultado de um trabalho árduo de 2020 a 2023, com dezenas de artigos avaliados. Abaixo está o índice completo com hiperlinks dos artigos. Espero que gostem e também ajudem a divulgar. É um material de pesquisa inovador de 42 autores em oito países. Esperamos em breve organizar um lançamento online.
Um abraço,
Joana Salém

The Agrarian Question as an Ecological Question in Latin America

Latin American Perspectives, 2024 – Special Issue Editors: Daniela García Grandon, Joana Salém Vasconcelos, Andrew R. Smolski



The Agrarian Question as an Ecological Question in Latin America: an Introduction, by Daniela García Grandon, Joana Salém Vasconcelos, Andrew R. Smolski (eds.)

PART 1- Political Ecology and Agrarian Economy in Latin America

Agroecology and Political Economy: The Peasant World and the Contradictions of Capital, by Raúl Gustavo Paz

A Political Ecology of Resistance: Actions and Reactions of Agrarian Socio-territorial Movements in Latin America, by Joana Tereza Vaz de Moura, Leandro Vieira Cavalcante, Cristian Emanuel Jara, Julieta Saettone, Bernardo Mançano Fernandes, Ana Eliza Villalba, Silmara Oliveira Moreira Bitencourt, and Claudia Yesica Fonzo Bolañez

The Crop Land Expansionary Dynamics of Agricultural Production in Latin America: A Panel Study of Fourteen Countries, 1970-2016 , by Timothy P. Clark and Andrew R. Smolski

PART 2 - Peasant-Indigenous Territorial Struggles

Na’guara!! We farmers do practice agroecology:” Territorial Symphonies in La Alianza, Venezuela, by Olga Domené-Painenao, Fernando Aguirre, Mateo Cacho, Peter Rosset, and Miguel Natera

Agroecology and Institutional Framework in Eastern Antioquia, Colombia: A Case Study, by Andres Felipe Mesa-Valencia and Mary Hendrickson

Transforming peasant politics into ecological politics: The CSUTCB in Bolivia 1979-1990, by Olivia Arigho-Stiles

Agricultural adaptation strategies under Morales’s administration - The case of a Guarani community in the Bolivian Chaco, by Vanesa Martín Galán

The struggle for water as a source for agricultural re-existence in Chile: Rethinking the agrarian question in Latin America, by Alexander Panez Pinto, Pablo Mansilla-Quiñones, and Jorge Olea Peñaloza

Mining Extractivism, Commodification of Nature and Indigenous Peasantry in the Atacama Desert: the Political Economy of Yareta (Azorella Compacta) in Historical Perspective (1915-1960), by Matías Calderón and Manuel Prieto

"The Last Agricultural Frontier” – Piauí (Brazil): The Agrarian Issue, Agrobusiness, and the Gamela Indigenous Territory, by Maria Do Socorro Pereira Silva and Lucineide Medeiros.

The rise of urban agriculture in Cuba and its current impact on household food security, by Hugo Goeury

PART 3 - Agrarian Neoliberalism and Financial Power

The Rising Financialization of Açaí in the Amazon: Evidence of an Ongoing Process, by Rafael Neves Fonseca and Thiago Lima

The State, Political Power, and the Financialization of Agrarian Space in Brazil, by Lucas Trentin Rech and Daniel Lemos Jeziorny

Metabolic Rift and Structural Crisis of Capital: The Productive Specialization Pattern Based on Commodities and the Progressive Elimination of Ecological and Natural Resources in Brazil, by Frederico Daia Firmiano and Paula Maria Rattis Teixeira

Productive Modernization and Challenges for Chilean Peasant Agriculture during the Phase of Post-Agrarian Reform, by Constanza Gutiérrez and Octavio Avedaño

Part 4 – Book and Film Reviews

The Agrarian Question in Contemporary Latin America and the Pink Tide’s Limits: A Critical Approach, by Joana Salém Vasconcelos

Seeds of Power: Environmental Injustice and Genetically Modified Soybeans in Argentina, by Tomas Patriota

La Via Campesina: A Digital Toolkit for Peasants’ Rights and Global Climate Justice, by Kristi Wilson & Tomas Crowder-Taraborrelli


Joana Salém Vasconcelos
Professora Visitante da Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC)
Doutora em História Econômica (USP) e Editora da Latin American Perspectives.
Academia.edu: https://fflch.academia.edu/JoanaSalemVasconcelos/
Lattes: http://lattes.cnpq.br/1948570242950688